affects the people who are bonded by it. He also claimed that “abolishing slavery and freeing the ideals of the Declaration from the bounds of race” was the only way that the United States could become what is was originally meant to be.
The major concerns of the women were women’s rights in general. The equality of men and women was the major topic that was discussed upon. The women felt as if they had been treated unfairly and were being deprived of their individual rights and liberties. The main right being the entitlement of voting. Stanton stated that “only the vote would make woman ‘free as man is free’”. The women modeled their petition after the Declaration of Independence. They rearranged and placed new words within the document as they seen fit. Yes, I believe the format in which they expressed their grievances was correct. Instead of creating a format from scratch they modeled a format based upon a previous document. Yes I think the women were correct in their concerns and grievances because they stated the problems that needed to be addressed. It was the truth that women were being treated unjustly and they took action to contribute towards the cause in hoping to create other movements such as the Seneca Falls Convention.