Scientific management, as a classical management theory is a practice that deals with the careful selection of workers, the training of workers and supervising of workers for support. During the early 20th century a man called Fredrick. W. Taylor (also known as the father of scientific management) by then had a mechanical engineering background very interested in efficiency, this lead him to start the scientific management movement. Taylor had studied the “time study” concept in order to analyse the motions and tasks required in any job field so he could find out the best and efficient ways to perform that specific job. He had developed 4 principle of management from his intense studies, these were “division of responsibility and work” which was based on having scientific selection of workers for certain tasks, giving total support to workers in order for them to have a smooth way as the go about their job, they would over look their workers performance by giving some supervision and also using science to study and find the most efficient ways of operating certain tasks. Scientific management principles were used in many workplaces that required labour, such as industries that comprised of machinery. In order to address the argument of organisations based on scientific management this thesis will firstly address the origins of scientific management then analyse some of the organisations that use scientific management (mostly in Australia) and if the use of that management theory works or not furthermore other theories will be briefly analysed, expanded, as well as using some examples from organisations. The theory discussed will be Henry Fayol’s administrative of management theories lastly a conclusion that will evaluate the points to which one is better (scientific management and administrative) will be laid down
Practising of management theories in Australia was
Bibliography: Evans, Christina, Holmes, & Leonard. (n.d.). Re-Tayloring Management . Gower publishing limited. Gould, A. M. (jan 6 2011). Working at McDonalds: some redeeming features of McJobs. Lund, J., & Wright, C. (n.d.). state regulation and the new taylorism. the case of Australian Grocery, 2-24. taska, l. (n.d.). taylor, F. w. (1947). scientific managment. NEW York & London: Haper and Brothers Publishers.