In the article “Free Speech and ‘Cyber-bullying” written by James Tucker from the Washington Legislative Office he states, “As reprehensible as some online speech may be, the First Amendment protects the bad with the good” (Tucker). In Aaron Short’s New York Post Article “Cyberbullies get First Amendment Protection” he states, “Although the First Amendment may not give defendant the right to engage in these activities, the text of Albany County’s law envelops far more than acts of cyberbullying against children…” (Short). So sadly, while the government does strive to protect its citizens, the same power that lets the dreamers dream allows the haters to express how they feel as …show more content…
No person should have to hide their goals and ambitions to avoid attacks from society. But what can they do to stop the bombardment of haters? We, the dreamers, know that we can never fully block out the negativity surrounding us or legally block the haters that constantly attack us but there is an answer to all of this. The answer is simple: positivity. It is both parts the dreamer and the hater’s responsibility though. The dreamer can’t wait for the hater to back off in order to be happy, we know that cannot apply to everyone. But what every person can do is show respect for one another and what they believe. In James Altucher’s “The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Dealing with Haters” he gives the “30/30/30” Rule. In this rules Altucher says that in everything you do 1/3 of your audience will love it, 1/3 will hate it, and 1/3 will not care. (Altucher). What Altucher means is that no matter what you do in life you will never be able to please everyone, and that someone will always be upset. As part of the American Dream we are all entitled to our own opinions, so long as we remember that and allow men these same privileges, we cannot be