English 102
Research Paper
Final Draft
To understand "social injustice," we must contrast it with the earlier view of justice against which it was conceived; one that arose as a revolt against political absolutism. With a government that is granted absolute power, it is impossible to speak of any injustice on its part. The history of all existing society, Marx and Engels declared, ‘‘is the history of class struggles, freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf, oppressor and oppressed, stood in sharp opposition to each other’’ (9). In Communism, the main concept is to remove the social injustice and to put arguments by changing economical and social system for the happiness of society. Social injustice can be resolved by the ideals of communism by rejecting other ideologies such as capitalism and imperialism that makes division in the society. Communist ideas absolutely refuses the notions which shapes people as equal and unequal in that society and the ideal purpose is to maintain social justice in terms of economically, socially and politically. Freedom of human being is important for social development which stresses that all human ideals are dependent on socioeconomic systems. However, in bourgeois society individual freedom can only be corrupt and corrupting because it is a case of privilege based on the dependence of others. Walicki stated that ‘‘Marx was concerned not with individual freedom here and now but with species freedom ’’ (13). By using this idea, he criticizes the political system which is dominant top in the past and against the system that does not depend on the extent of humankind’s domination over nature and conscious control over social relations. In fact, he is expressing that freedom does not mean the freedom of individual but the freedom of society in the sense of communist ideas. It determines an end in which the final destiny of humankind would find
Cited: Walicki, Andrzej. Marxism and the Leap to the Kingdom of Freedom. California: Stanford University Press, 1995. Marx, Karl, Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto. New York: International Publishers, 1948. Marx, Engels, Lenin. The Essential Left. New York: Unwin Books, 1961. Mandel, Ernest. Markszim’e Giriş. Istanbul: Körfez Yayınları, 1977.