Choosing what is right for oneself means that you have to choose the path of those who created this freedom for you. It means that you are their slaves and that you will pay dearly if you depart from their way. So the people of re chose this word. People create words according to the gods they serve and that give them the idea or their resources. Since everyone is parasitic, so freedom is parasitic. So freedom was not created by man and for man, it is created by parasitic man for parasites.
Remember that we live in a parasitic world and that everyone is infected. No longer people are people. They claim to be temples and what is in them the parasites claim to be whatever they came from. For example, a parasite that came from a crocodile, such as mites, infect a person, than the person claim to be a crocodile. Our soft skin and our blood make us victim of all vermins that can bite in our environment. All vermins that bite us infect us and we start thinking that we are not ourselves but the vermins that bite us. For example, a spider bites you and you start behaving like a spider. So since worms can enter people's body and infect their ability to think and bacteria enter people in the form of dust, people are no longer themselves but whatever live in them. That is why you see people that have been bit by insects living on bat claim to be vampires.
So, parasites take people and send them to die at war for their countries. People don't have countries since they claim to be temples of their gods. Since bacteria are the gods of earth, and since bacteria infect everyone by living in them, so no