America is much more than the land of the free and home of the brave it's also home to the land of opportunity. America as a hole is the place were dreams come true. If You work hard, do the work that is given to you and you don't give up you will succeed. Your dreams won't be dreams anymore they'll be a reality. America is also a very strong nation. Our leaders old and new, from George Washington our very first president to Barack Obama our current president, our leaders have done what they needed to do to make America great and powerful, and not just anyone can run such a powerful nation you have to be a leader. Someone who is willing to take a risk someone who no matter the time good or bad can steer us in the right direction to keep us strong, that is a leader of America. Throughout time there have been great inventors and inventions. Like Thomas Edson with his light bulb, Alexander Graham Bell with the telephone, or the wright brothers Orville and Wilbur the inventors of the worlds first successful airplane. America is full of brilliant minds and creativity. Weather it be from making a light source that doesn't need a candle or a making metal fly, America and Americans can do anything. America is about success doing what's right having each other's back like family, and freedom. That is the America I believe in.
America is much more than the land of the free and home of the brave it's also home to the land of opportunity. America as a hole is the place were dreams come true. If You work hard, do the work that is given to you and you don't give up you will succeed. Your dreams won't be dreams anymore they'll be a reality. America is also a very strong nation. Our leaders old and new, from George Washington our very first president to Barack Obama our current president, our leaders have done what they needed to do to make America great and powerful, and not just anyone can run such a powerful nation you have to be a leader. Someone who is willing to take a risk someone who no matter the time good or bad can steer us in the right direction to keep us strong, that is a leader of America. Throughout time there have been great inventors and inventions. Like Thomas Edson with his light bulb, Alexander Graham Bell with the telephone, or the wright brothers Orville and Wilbur the inventors of the worlds first successful airplane. America is full of brilliant minds and creativity. Weather it be from making a light source that doesn't need a candle or a making metal fly, America and Americans can do anything. America is about success doing what's right having each other's back like family, and freedom. That is the America I believe in.