The First Amendment to the constitution guaranties freedom of expression. The framers of the Constitution believed this freedom was essential to a strong democracy. The intent and value that the founders saw as one important principal is the freedom of expression though speech because it allowed people the freedom to communicate freely in different ways. This essay will explain how freedom of expression has influenced the court system, media, and assembly.
To cite an example, before you couldn’t freely speak in the courts and people who did would get in trouble. In the past, individuals who would speak up in the courts would get arrested or penalized in some way. Freedom of expression allows individuals the freedom
to speak without having the fear of getting arrested or get punished. Also, we can fight for our rights to be heard and defend ourselves. For instance, individuals who do not have money or a defense attorney to fight their case can defend themselves in the court of law.
Another example is that people have the right to announce their rights in the newspaper, magazines, books, and other terms of media. The first amendment provides protection to writers, authors, and journalists who wish to express themselves in that manner. People can write about any topic, express themselves, and advocate for the rights of other people. For example, as citizens we can essentially connect everyone and their thoughts without any need of violence or fear of violence.
Finally, the freedom of expression allows groups, who have the same interest, strike or assemble in groups to fight for our rights. As citizens we can assemble outside of our courts, employment, schools, and churches. The rights of freedom of speech provides people the opportunity to peacefully assemble and associate in groups and is the most important human rights we possess.
In summary, freedom of expression is very important and strong to our democracy in such an immense way. The framers of the Constitution knew it had big value to the citizens of the United States. Because of this, individuals have the right to speak up in court, use the media to express our rights, and assemble peacefully. We have the right to express ideas and opinions freely though speech, writing, and other forms of communication, but without causing harm to others individuals, give false statements or misunderstandings.