seem dull to some, others get nothing but pure bliss from such activities and more. For those interested in hobbies that literally dig deep down into mother earth, and allow people to become one with our own Mother Earth, the vast world of gardening can be a mind expanding experience. Toy company's not only make gardening toys for children to imitate their loving parent's activities, but they make them for children who actually enjoy doing the activities the toys are made for. Hoes, rakes, lawn mowers, and many others can be found in mini yet bulky, brightly colored, plastic forms for the enjoyment of children ages three and up! Although many children do grow out of the countless toys they encounter during their early life, some tend to favor the fabulous toys for years and years. The people who grew up playing and imitating the many different elements of gardening are very happily welcome into the world as full time gardeners. What better people to become gardeners than the people who grew up loving planting and landscaping? Happiness and enjoyment are definitely a huge factor in the success of a self employed gardener. Charles (Chuck) G. Eugene, a professional gardener explains how passing business men and women express their envy for his job when the sun is shining; "Actually, when the weather is nice, people tell me how much they envy me and my occupation!" (Eugene), but the same people scamper past Chuck without saying anything when the weather is glum. Without the proper education and general know how, how would one be able to keep a garden beautiful, green, and downright delightful? To simply answer this question, the task of keeping a near perfect garden would be nearly impossible. Chuck went through a lot of extensive field training and schooling to get himself into his current field of self-employment. While the obvious tasks of cutting grass, and raking dirt and leaves can seem repetitive and even dull, proper care can lead to a fulfilling and enjoyable experience. On top of such tasking activities, the fun really starts when landscaping needs to be done. The gardener has the freedom to place any variety of beautiful plants anywhere in the garden to provide for quite an enchanting scene. The freedom of gardening has many endless possibilities and provides for some amazing creative freedom.
The slight limitations of creative freedom are obviously, or not, the use of certain plants during certain times of the year or in certain areas, and most definitely the placement of different plants in certain areas in relation to pathways and other "no plant zones." The beauty of nature is full of so many splendid colors, from the usual green, to nearly any other color of the rainbow. "Although my job is primarily maintenance gardening, it is most definitely fun getting to redo yards, and getting to be creative. There are some dull times, as with most jobs, but I have to balance all the ups and downs." (Eugene). Chuck seems to enjoy every chance he can get to get a little creative with his job. Flowers come in so many shapes and sizes, and the selection is so extensive to the point that there are many different plants that can and will be perfect for a certain area. Some gardeners go into extreme detail, and can make very extravagant designs and patterns. Hedges can be sculpted to almost any form, vines can climb nearly any structure, and trees can provide many different colors during different seasons and even bear delicious and colorful fruit! Mother Earth has blessed gardeners with such an amazing selection of plants, and gardeners can bless Mother Earth with more beauty and life than she could ever …show more content…
imagine. Spending time in nature can be a very therapeutic and meditative experience.
"Lots of thinking goes on, as there are very few brain cells involved in the act of gardening iteself. A lot of people do it to get in touch with nature." (Eugene). Chuck finds a lot of time while gardening to do some extra thinking. Chuck finds himself reflecting on his own life, the lives of his loved ones, and without a doubt, the life of the plants that he cares for. The notion of being part of this planet and being able to give back to the beauty we call Earth is quite a blessing. As children, the first thrust of the shovel into the rich soil can be a very fulfilling feeling. Once the hole has been dug enough, mom or dad will place a beautiful flower into the hole to continue life as part of the Earth. After a long days work of digging and planting, just laying in the green grass under the Sun to reflect and meditate upon what you have done for the planet can be a very deep and enlightening experience. Growing up and becoming a professional gardener can have the same effect on a person. When planting young plants, trees, and flowers, one knows they are doing something good for our planet. Planting seeds into the rich soil and progressively watching the seed grow into a beautiful plant can feel as good as taking care of ones own child. Some people go as far as talking to their beloved plants to keep them happy. Raising a plant from seed to fully grown plant can be very therapeutic,
and can be especially therapeutic during the transfer from pot to earth. Mother Earth has given each and every one of us the gift of life, and as our gift to her, we can give her more life with the plants that thrive in her soil. Although not everyone enjoys working with the not so clean earth, a certain group of people stand up to the joys of beautifying the planet. Professional gardeners take the time and effort to groom, decorate, and give to the Earth all out of pure enjoyment. A serious income can come out of a professional gardening job, but money is the least of a proud gardener's worries. Gardeners, like Chuck, take a lot of time to get to know their Mother Earth, and share their pain, love, and labor to become one with her. From a childhood of playing with plastic shovels and poking at the filthy and squirmy earthworms, to growing up and finding the garden, and more specifically Mother Earth, as a place to spend years of devotion is the passion of the professional gardener.