It should be “nipped in the butt” while it is still small. This is referred to as the “Weimar” argument by Eric Heinze in his article “Nineteen arguments for hate speech bans – and against them.” Terrorism can form from hate speech. Therefore, all Americans should respond to hate speech.” The assumption here is that all hate speech will lead to terrorism. If this is the case, it should be stopped as soon as possible. This is what is best for America because it will prevent terrorism and other large scale dangerous attacks of similar
It should be “nipped in the butt” while it is still small. This is referred to as the “Weimar” argument by Eric Heinze in his article “Nineteen arguments for hate speech bans – and against them.” Terrorism can form from hate speech. Therefore, all Americans should respond to hate speech.” The assumption here is that all hate speech will lead to terrorism. If this is the case, it should be stopped as soon as possible. This is what is best for America because it will prevent terrorism and other large scale dangerous attacks of similar