
Freedom Triumphs Slavery Summary

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Freedom Triumphs Slavery Summary
History in American has been scared by instances of slavery but in each case, the slaves have always fought for their freedom because they felt that they could explore and enjoy prosperity better if liberty and freedom were accorded to them. Therefore, it is quite a challenge for an American to understand and appreciate the sentiments of Fitzhugh on how beneficial slavery could be. Freedom triumphs slavery because people that are free to explore their talents and desires are logically more prosperous but, the author’s thoughts are also quite accurate especially on the fact that some people are more productive and focused when enslaved.
Biblically or according to many other religions and cultures, it was customary for a person to enslave another
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Slavery provided comfort that freedom denied many slaves. For instance, while enslaved, slaves in the south had adequate food, shelter and clothing. Slaves enjoyed the protection of their masters. The labor was had and the wages low, but, at least, they had jobs to do as compared to many who were free but engaged in crime.
Most people have a problem with the statement that the author made that was to the effect that liberty of the slave was a curse to them and to the society around them. This statement while to some extent revealed some measure of racism; it is quite true; because the author in a sense foretold the difficulty that the black community would have in settling into the society. In the present time African Americans have higher crime rates, higher unemployment percentages, and in general a lower standard of living than whites yet they enjoy the same liberty (Fitzhugh, 2001).
The author even though highly misquoted only saw into the future and accurately predicted that the enslaved would have a hard time performing at par with the dominant race once they gained their freedom. Despite the fact that most of the author's sentiments might be misconstrued for racism, they are actually quite helpful if taken into account even in the present

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