The relationship of George and Lennie is that of brotherhood. While George essays to protect Lennie as an older brother would, he does, in fact, fail at times as would a sibling who assumes such a role. While Lennie does fear George somewhat, his fear resembles that of a younger sibling for an older one, rather than a parent. For,his perception is clearly that they are friends, and, thus, equals. When he asks George to tell him "how it is with us," and George describes how they have "somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us," Lennie breaks in describing their reciprocal relationship,…
Other than trust, accepting each other is a key role in their friendship. George accepts Lennie with his mental disability which is why they have a strong friendship. Lennie is extremely strong so when fighting Curley, George sticks up for Lennie, “‘Get him, Lennie. Don’t let him do it’” (Steinbeck 63). Since Lennie is extremely strong, George knows that he should let Lennie stick up for himself and not allow Curley to make him feel weak and inferior to the rest. George also accepts the fact that Lennie cannot remember tons of information that he has been told, “‘I’ll tell ya again. I ain’t got nothing better to do. Might jus’ as well spen’ all my time tellin’ you things and then you forget ‘em, and I tell you again’” (Steinbeck 4). This shows…
George and Lennie have a strong relationship because they both continue to stay with each other. George shows that he is willing to continue to stay with Lennie when he tells him a future plan. George tells Lennie that they…
George gets impatient with Lennie and it can sometimes come off as mean behavior. George doesn't want to be that way but when Lennie forgets things or acts childish he gets frustrated. “I could get along so easy and so nice if I hadn’t have you on my tail”(7) Ever since Lennie’s Aunt Clara died George had been taking care of him. George always wishes that he was lonely like all the other guys on the ranch but sadly he got stuck with Lennie. It seems like deep down George’s dreams aren't to own a ranch with Lennie but to be alone and away from Lennie. George is nice to the men on the ranch but when it came to Lennie insults came instantly to his brain.…
What is their friendship like? Would you really call it a friendship? George, throughout the book, constantly make Lennie feel like he’s a burden. For instance George says this to his ‘friend’,” ...An’ whatta I got...I got you! You can’t keep a job and you lose me ever’ job I get. Jus’ keep me shovin’ all over the country all the time.” If George is portrayed as such a great person, how can he be so rude to Lennie?…
In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie have a very close relationship and their companionship is quite deep. During the 1930s, which was during The Great Depression, George and Lennie escape from Weed because they get into trouble. George has to look after Lennie because Lennie’s Aunt, Clara, is dead and no one takes care of Lennie. Then, they go to the Salinas Valley where they are going to work on a ranch. In the novel, George is morally right to kill Lennie because George wants to protect Lennie from the painful death and save other people from Lennie’s uncontrolled strength.…
In the book ‘’Of Mice and Men” Lennie seems very different from all of the others. Lennie is a very interesting character. He may be different from George and the other workers, but he sure does make up for that with his incredible strength and his ability to listen and obey directions. It also helps him stay alive, for the most part.…
George does, in return receive Lennie's unconditional trust and love because of his loyalty, but he must still sacrifice much in order to take care of Lennie. An example of sacrifice on George's part is when they had to flee from a town called Weeds where they were employed because Lennie had gotten himself accused of rape when he had tried to touch a woman's dress. George understands that Lennie is mentally challenged , but unfortunately most other people within do…
George has a job as a ranch hand out on the ranch. He does a little bit of everything. From making sure that the animals are in good health, and to helping the boss with anything he needs. George even watches over the slaves, to make sure they are doing what they need to be doing and are staying away from the whites. He carries a lot of responsibilities! He is also doing Lennie’s job at the same time. As we found out very quickly, Lennie is not the best at doing the task, due to his mental illness. He doesn’t know his strength, and tends to hurt/kill people and animals. Lennie has a heart of gold, and means absolutely no harm.…
One reason george was justified in the decision he made of killing Lennie was the fact that George was the one who vowed to Lennie’s Aunt Clara to take care of him and watch over him and make sure he doesn't get into trouble. This is obvious when George says “ I told his old lady I’d take care him” ( Steinbeck 22 ). Lennie could not function alone, even though he was a grown man. At one time he relied…
Loyalty is an important aspect of any friendship, and for George and Lennie it is especially because lennie is cognitively impaired. Although george's life would much easier without lennie he still chooses to stay with him. Lennie is “a lot of trouble” and george “could get along so easy and so nice” and “could live so easy and maybe have a girl” or “go get a job an’ work, an’ no trouble…” without the burden of an impaired grown man (Steinbeck 11). Furthermore, Lennie makes a lot of mistakes that ultimately foreshadow what he does to Curley's wife. For example, in Weed “he seen this girl in a red dress. . . .…
Lennie was born with a disability that causes mental retardation, because of this he doesn´t always know right from wrong and acts like a kid. He shows this when he gets upset at George for taking away his dead mouse that he hid in his pocket. George tells him that he can say a word when they get to the ranch that they are going to work at, if he does then they might not be hired because of Lennie's impairment. George says to Lennie, ¨If he finds out what a crazy bastard you are, we won´t get no job, but if he sees ya work before he hears ya talk, we're set¨ (6). This tells us that…
In the beginning of the story, George escaped with Lennie from Weed to prevent Lennie from getting lynched. George did absolutely nothing, he had nothing to hide from. Also George warned Lennie about Curley, he told him that he has seen people like that before and demanded Lennie to stay away from Curley (Steinbeck 29). In addition, in order to make sure Lennie got the job, George talked for him (Steinbeck 21). George is like a parent to Lennie, from the beginning we see how he told Lennie that the water he was drinking from didn’t seem potable. He told Lennie to throw the mice away, not to be mean but because it was already dead, it wasn’t fresh. Lennie acted acted like a child and George acted like a parent, he said and did stuff similar to what a parent would. He did all that because he cared for…
Steinbeck makes George’s role seem more like a parent to Lennie than a friend by making George scold and tell Lennie what to do; therefore, George is only does those things for the benefit of Lennie. George tells Lennie…
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