The first stage of the French Revolution (1789-1792)
* Previously talking about the estates general – 1789 Louis XVI trying to solve economic problems divided into clergy, nobility, commoners because the French society was legally divided in the same way (all had different obligations and different rights) * Middle class included: bankers, merchants, doctors, entrepreneurs, lawyers, shopkeepers, artisans…comfortable life * Working class: lower class, those working for a wage/salary that is low. * Had problems getting food to obtain/buy everyday * Peasants cultivated land that wasn’t theirs * Miserable life
Proposal was accepted * The Estates-General convened in May 1789: 1248 deputies * Main problem: the system of voting * Clergy wanted only 3 votes * The nobility * The commoners (middle and lower class) – 648 deputies * Clergy and nobility had common interests – wanted to maintain the old system because it favored them and they have privileges, * Impossible to solve this problem: body was deadlocked
The third estate Continue alone (17 June 1789) * National Assembly * The true representation of the French people * Oath of the Tennis Court (20 June 1789) * A commitment: to write a constitution * Put limits on the government * The beginning of the French Revolution * Parisians formed the National Guard * Made to defend the National Assembly and the constitution * Louis XVI and the National Assembly * June 1789, the king began negotiations with the three “estates” * Louis’ proposal: reforms (constitutional monarchy) * Result: failure * The king rejected the National Assembly The Estates-General: the only legal representative body * If the commoners do not go back to the Estates General (close national assembly), the Royal troops would do it (send them to jail) and therefore only have one parliament after that * Consequence * Royal troops sent to Paris – king used violence * Resistance: anti-royal and anti-noble revolts (July-August 1789) * Who? – Middle class and lower class * Why? – Rumores of an aristocrat conspiracy against the reforms of the National Assembly/Royal Troops sent to Paris * Lower and middle class * A new political/social/economic system (middle class) * Their terrible economic conditions (lower) * The Storming of the Bastille (14 July 1789) * A royal armory and prison * The National Guard and the people of Paris against French cities * Similar uprisings in the other French cities * Peasant Revolts: the Great Fear * Great Conspiracy * Their aim: * Residences of the nobility in the countryside * Consequences: * Government officials fled (provinces) * National Assembly kept working through summer * The principle of privilege abolished (made equality – laws are for everybody) * Declaration of the Rights of Men * A document issued on Aug 26 1789 * Main principles of the new society (would be included in the constitution) * Inspired by the Enlightenment * How to create the best society possible * Underlined the importance of reason and logic * Group of philosophers coincided to create the best principles to do so * Main ideas: Equality and freedom * No more tax exemption: everyone will pay taxes * Equality before justice * Regardless your economic position/nobility – same laws for everyone * Will not give a position to someone based on status * Access to public office depending on talent * Abolition of serfdom * Serfs = very similar to slaves * Freedom of speech and press * Freedom to give your opinion even if that opinion is against your government * Religious freedom (Jews and Protestants) * NO GENDER EQUALITY (most important flaw in this document) * Louis XVI and the National Assembly (October 1789) * By October 1789, Louis XVI legitimacy of the National Assembly accepted * Became new Parliament of France * National Assembly = happy because it meant they were winning against the King * The National Assembly against the Church (February-July 1790) * February 1790, dissolution of all monasteries and convents (lands confiscated) * Exceptions * Those providing aid to the poor * Educational institutions * July 1790, Civil Constitution of the Clergy * Priests became paid agents of the state * An oath of loyalty to the state from all priests required * Why? * To weaken/control one of the most important institutions in France (support of the absolutist monarchy) * Lands – since they were confiscated, they obtained the money they needed (National assembly) and in selling it (for cheap) they obtained the support from the buyers because they bought it for so cheap they felt like they were treated well from government * Ideology (religion = superstition) * June 1791, the royal family tried to escape * Resistance against the revolution * King tried to escape to Austria * Failure – him and Marie Antoinette were captured by the National Guard * When the people of France found out they tried to escape and wondered if the King is the enemy? * September 1791, the National Assembly finished the French Constitution * France became a constitutional Monarchy * The king accountable to an elected parliament * Peoples sovereignty source of political power * Power comes from the people * Limited Suffrage: * Assembly elected: electorate Property ownership * Lower class excluded from the political system
The Second Stage of the French Revolution
* April 20, 1792 France War on Austria * Revolutionary forces * To defeat conservatives * Use war to spread revolutionary ideas * Unity at home * The king * The only option to recover power * August 10, 1792, people of Paris stormed the Tuileries * Royal Palace * Lower Class * Protest (economic situation getting worse from the war) * Demand more political participation * September 1792, the National Convention met for the first time * The new elected legislative body (national assembly) * Division * Girondins (moderate) * Pro-constitution – they were controlling the Convention/government of France * Jacobins (radical: wanted new constitution) * Full democracy * Solve the problems of the lower class * If not, they will rebel and fight * Most important issue: what to do with the Monarchy * September 21, 1792 * The National Convention abolished the monarchy * September 22, 1792 * The National Convention proclaimed the French Republic * September 1792 * Members of the Convention conducted the trial of the king Louis XVI * The king guillotined (Jan 21 1793) * Reign of Terror (June 1793-July 1794) * Jacobins leadership of the revolution * Girondins unable to maintain order at home/led the war properly * Maximilien Robespierre (leader of the Jacobins): leader of the Committee of the public Safety (executive) * Committee of Public Safety: extraordinary powers from the National Convention * Main goals and initiatives * Economic crisis: reforms * War: massive military mobilization * Peace and order: committees and tribunals throughout France identify and get rid of traitors (revolutionary justice) 40,000 in 9 months * Failure * Growing French economy * Successful defense of the French Republic abroad * His radical revolutionary justice: losing supporters * Thermidorian (conservative) reaction (July 1794-November 1795) * Robespierre fells and guillotined (July 28) * Provisional government * The Directory (November 1795): * A body of 5 directors (executive power) * The Directory till Noverment 1799 * Moderate period * Between radicalism and conservatism * Main goal * Consolidate a constitutional political system * Most important problems * War * Political corruption
Chapter 20
Napoleon Bonaparte (1799-1815) * In France * New political system * From the French Republic to the French Empire * Revolutionary ideas (equality and freedom) without its democratic component * In Europe * Expansionism: (frustrated) Napoleonic empire * Napoleon as First Consul: Napoleon’s political career * October 5 1795, Napoleon crushed Parisian protesters against the Directory. Attacked those who were against the government. * 1796-1797, the Italian Campaign – Italy against Austria * Austria defeated - they controlled northern Italy. * France reinforced its control over Italian peninsula * 1798 Egyptian campaign * Goal: reinforce French influence in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea * Rivals: Great Britain, Russia, and the Turkish empire * Results: a disaster (Napoleon a hero) * November 9, 1799, Napoleon joined a conspiracy against the Directory * A triumvirate (the government of free) of Consuls Consulate of France (1799-1804) * The beginning of the Napoleonic age * February 7 1800, referendum (remember word): Napoleon First Consul * August 4, 1802, plebiscite (remember word: same exact thing as a referendum): Napoleon * May 18 1804, the French Senate named himself Napoleon I French Emperor * Ratified (referendum) they wanted him to crown himself. * Napoleon’s domestic policy: main initiatives (1799-1815) * Concordat with the Pope (1801) * Catholicism: the “preferred” religion of the French Republic * Religious freedom for non-Catholics * Primary education the clergy * Clerical salaries paid by the state – Napoleon told the clergy what to say * Economic reforms (promote the French economy) * New tax system * Central banking system * Protection and promotion of French industries * Development of infrastructure * Money to make France stronger through taxes * *** Napoleonic code: freedom and equality – extraordinary because * Equality before the law * Freedom to choose one’s occupation * Religious freedom * Father’s absolute authority in the family restored * Absolute security of wealth and private property * Napoleonic Code (1804) – most important reform * Still in force in France * Introduced into a number of European countries (Napoleonic expansion): In Belgium still in force * Model for the civil codes of Canada, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, some Latin American republics, and Louisiana * Napoleon’s foreign policy France dominate all of Europe * Important moments * Peace with Great Britain and Austria in 1802 * Napoleonic wars (1803-1814) * The end of the Napoleonic era (1815) * Napoleonic Wars (1803-1814) * France, master of the continent (1803-1810) * Napoleon defeated the European powers * Austria fell in 1805 * Prussia fell in 1806 * Russia fell in 1807 * Spain fell in 1808 * The new Europe (1810) * Only Austria, Prussia, and Russia remained independent (allies) * Friends or relatives on the thrones of the new satellite kingdoms of Italy, Naples, Westphalia, Holland, and the Kingdom of Spain. * The enemy Great Britain – he could not defeat them * The Continental System (1810): the beginning of the end * Economic blockade (Great Britain) * Undermine British military resistance * French economy to replace British economy in Europe * Failure * The French economy could not replace the British in Europe * The British economy did not collapse * Europe (Russia) rejected the Continental Sytstem * The collapse of the Napoleonic system (1810-1814) * Russia repudiated the Continental System (1810) * Napoleon invaded Russia (1812) * Battle of Nations at Leipzing (16-19 oct 1813) * Paris occupied (march 31 1814) * Napoleon abdicated (Francois Bonaparte) and exiles to Elba * Louis XVII crowned April 11, 1814 * The end of the Napoleonic era (1815) * Napoleon escaped from Elba * Napoleon defeated at Waterloo * Napoleon died may 5 1821
Ch. 21 * Traditional Agriculture in Europe * Open-Field farming * Most common agricultural system in 18th century Europe (traditional: for centuries) *