The French Revolution can be considered a “bloody tragedy”, but overall had a positive effect on the people, their lives and France. For instance, the revolution abolished serfdom, slavery and experimented with democracy. Clearly, this was a positive effect for various people. Including the people who once were enslaved, and others who had no voice or say in what was going on in their lives. The Revolution also caused for structural change to take place in France. In 1789 France had only a few museum and libraries built, but once the revolution was established many more were created. Plus educational systems were planned to be created. The French Revolution created a better country for the people and the society. While the Revolution created significant changes in
The French Revolution can be considered a “bloody tragedy”, but overall had a positive effect on the people, their lives and France. For instance, the revolution abolished serfdom, slavery and experimented with democracy. Clearly, this was a positive effect for various people. Including the people who once were enslaved, and others who had no voice or say in what was going on in their lives. The Revolution also caused for structural change to take place in France. In 1789 France had only a few museum and libraries built, but once the revolution was established many more were created. Plus educational systems were planned to be created. The French Revolution created a better country for the people and the society. While the Revolution created significant changes in