I think that the main reason for the Revolution was the whole estates general thing. The thing that flipped off the lower class who then formed the Revolution, was because they were treated like trash basically, they didn’t have the same rights and during the assemblies when someone was talking or presenting some changes, the lower class didn’t even know anything about it, because they were seated so far that they couldn’t hear anything, because of this they felt even more disrespected.
After this once they formed the Tennis Court Oath everything changed for them. They were willing to stand up for themselves and they wanted to be heard. Although at the start when they broke into the Bastille it was quite a fail, because they didn’t accomplish anything by it, because the prison was basically empty, and they didn’t gain anything by doing what they did; the Revolution had a strong meaning for the ones involved in it.
Other reasons for the revolution were the tax. The thing about this was that the nobles and the clergy didn’t have to pay the tax if they earned a lot of money (the richer you were, the less taxes you had to pay). Another unfair thing about money was that farmers and shopkeepers had to “rent” the land so that they could work. For example when the farmers grew crops to feed themselves and their family, it wasn’t their land, it was the land of either the nobles or clergy, which means they had to pay to do what they could to survive. Another thing that some