They felt that it was unjust that they were the only estate that actually contributed to these funds. The conditions of the third estate made the First and Second estate aware that they needed to keep control and power. The Third estate wanted to have a say within their government, they also wanted their children to be able to be important people within the community. King Louis XV was one major contributor in the French Revolution. King Louis XV expensive habits caused debt to grow and the economy turned into tumoral. When the taxes that he received were not enough he started to borrow money. However King Louis XV did not care about the growing debt that he was causing. He believed that the next generation would pay off his debts and get the market successful again. He did not care that he could be causing the next generation trouble because he care only about himself which is a downfall for his country. “It will survive for my time, after me the deluge.” (King Louis XV of France). His statements were false and the next seven years in France would be the turning point for their country. Louis XVI was the rightful heir to the throne after the death of King Louis …show more content…
In the August of 1788 King Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates General. At the meeting the Second and First couple practically out vote the Third estate even though they had more representatives. May 5th 1789 King Louis XVI w declared an Estates General meeting, the Third estate refused and declared itself a National Assembly. This rebellion was the mark of the Revolution. The Third estate refused to participate until there was a new constitution and it was adopted. On June 20, 1789 the representatives of the peasants and the nobles took an oath to put the new constitution into effect (Milner). The constitution although was under oath was not followed. On July 14, 1789 the Third estate stormed and conquered Bastille which was known for it symbol of power and suppression.Not to long after the conquering of that famous prison, outbreaks of violence lead to a new government that was set up in Paris, and a new army that was formed by General Lafayette. The peasants created a new flag but also had great fear that the First and Second estate would stop the revolution. A National Assembly took place, it was believed that the revolution could be stopped by setting in a new reform. Along with this they took the privledges that the First and Second estate had such as, not paying