the responsibility and courage to properly lead his country and people. He failed to put his foot down against the Clergy and Nobles, causing the third Estate to suffer. Document 2 stated that, the Clergy and Nobles would crush the Commoners with high taxes. Bread became very expensive, causing merciless killing. This occurred because bread was an essential part in every meal, with taxes already skyrocketing, the Commoners couldn't even afford food let alone bread. One month of pay could only buy you one loaf of bread. The statistics in document three told me that Pre-Revolutionary France included three critical estates, the Clergy, Nobility, and the Commoners. The Clergy estates population was 0.5 percent, they owned 10% of land, 1.5 percent of the population was the Nobility estate, they owned 25 percent of land, and the Commoners, they made up 98 percent of the population in France and owned 65 percent of land. When King Louis the XVI began taxing the Commoners it was an injustice. The two highest estates, the Nobles and Clergy payed very little taxes for their land meanwhile, the Commoners were heavily taxed for their land and food.
The third estate has had enough with the government intervening and treating the Commoners as unimportant that they begin to demand the action of rewriting their social contract.
According to document 6, The commoners in attempt to solve the problem they were facing, the third estate went to the regular meeting King Louis the XVI and the Estates General had to look for solutions. However, the King's guards were blocking the entry and from then on the Commoners swore to, “never separate, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the realm is established and fixed upon solid foundations”. Along with this the Commoners and few Nobles formed an alliance called the National Assembly with a dream of writing a new the French Constitution. Document 6 also stated that, The Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen proclaimed the inalienable rights of a human being. The right of being born equal; that means having all the rights the Clergy and the Noble estate had. The right to an education, and the liberty to stand up for their belifes. Document 7 stated that While the National Assembly was in the process of writing the Declaration of Rights of Man. Inhabitants of Paris stormed and attacked the Bastille on July 14 1789. The Bastille was an imposing prison that had many supplies the citizens of Paris could use to revolt against the monarchy, they seized any weapons anywhere they could find them. They freed political people that were held captive
in the prison. They began their revolt by tearing down the fortress. The Parisians were ruthless, beheading many people including the Bastilles Governor.
The commoners had enough of the way the monarchy was treating them and they weren't going to put up with it any longer. They had no other choice because King Louis the XVI would not take them seriously and hear them out. The third estate fought for their freedom and rights and they eventually earned it.