The guillotine had earned its keep
Splitting necks both shallow and deep
The countless heads of headless Counts
In fly-crusted piles would soon surmount
So many wrongs to be undone
Though when did revenge become such fun.
Till to the blade stepped Jean De Vere
No aristocrat he, but an engineer.
No shred of courage did he lack,
“Let me face the cutter, upon my back.
I’ll go to God, with grace and all.
As I look to the sky, and see the blade fall”
That day, his God had brought him luck.
Three times it fell, three times it stuck
The law said, the maximum drops were four,
He would be a free man, if it stuck just once more.
But Jean was a shrewd man. Knew it would not fail,
When he looked up and warned them, “It’s catching on that nail!”
With the war side by side,
We people still strive.
We want our independence.
We need our freedom.
We want free tax structure,
Or at least get rid of this inferior social status.
Give us education,
'cause if you won't we'll rebel.
We might be illiterate
And lack mental strength,
But when we'll be ourselves
Show what we are.
You’ll run away from our nation,
This country with all these injustices that we still love.
Rich becoming richer.
Poor poorer.
Reduce taxes or omit them.
If that's still on,
Then be it fair.
Rich are respected.
Poor are hurt.
We also have feelings and emotions.
And a small heart
That doesn't understand discrimination,
Or inferior social status.
Poverty reigns
Monarchy feigns
The poor are real patriots
Nobles mere nationalists
They fight for France still
In favor or against their will
Nobles hoard; consumed be greed
Ignorant of or ignoring real need
The poor feed the rich’s mouths
The rich starve the poor out of house
Peasants work longer than the sun, breaking their backs
The crown complacently laughs, as he raises the tax
A father cries for his family, his son
Ashamed he can’t afford them an education
Watching his family, his country, fade
Always wishing this Revolution away
Swallowed by the constant rapping on his door
Collectors demanding him to pay all and more
The times grow darker and even he knows
His life and his family’s is at a close
They pass along with all the others
Hundreds of men joining their brothers
In the year 1789, the Third Estate stormed the Bastille
There was a lot of bloodshed that day
But now the Third Estate has an equal say
King Louis XVI raised taxes for the third estate and prices on goods
But we fought back and raised our swords
We swarmed their cities in massive hordes
All we wanted was equal social status and rights
And for not being granted that, we had to fight
Although some lives may have regret
It is you, we will never forget
Now that we were successful, we have more opportunity
To go to school, be wealthy, and come together as a community
This proves the needs of the many are greater than the need of the few
This is the start of something new.
In the year 1789, we fought back for our pride
We started a new revolution and stood side by side.
The French Revolution started in 1789,
It was when France was going through hard times.
With two teen leaders, King Louis and Marie Antoinette,
They spent all the money, the whole country was in debt.
This French revolution was bloody and red,
Make one mistake, and it’s off with your head.
The country consists of three simple estates,
Maybe some of you can relate.
First is the clergy, who lived life as if it were easy,
They weren’t exactly what you would call so friendly.
Second came the nobility, who got the expensive things,
Selfish they were, didn’t care about the weaklings.
Last was the third, and certainly the least,
In this group were the peasants, the poor, and the bourgeoisie.
Now let’s talk about the most lavish of them yet,
Ladies and gentlemen, Marie Antoinette.
This young lady, only at the age of 14,
Got married, and voila! There's your queen.
Weirdest off all when lives were at stake,
Her best response was "Let them eat cake!"
Enough about her, let’s talk about him,
King Louis XVI's leader skills were slim.
Both Marie and King Louis realized something needed to be done,
That was to have a great son.
They tried for the first time, thoughts were a whirl,
The first child was a little girly girl.
Not yet satisfied they tried once more,
At last a boy, two boys to adore.
Taxes arose, 3rd estate had a run for their money,
They couldn’t take it any more, time to take out the clergy.
No one was happy, they were downright mad,
Things got nasty, things went bad.
All this killing had crossed the line,
Thankfully this ended in 1799.
It’s kind of sad when violence was the solution,
Let’s say goodbye to the French Revolution.