
French Revolutions And Rebellions

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French Revolutions And Rebellions
France’s 1789 revolution marked a turning point for the nation as it became both a symbol of the resistance against tyranny for France as well as social change for the better. The first revolution gave both left wing and right wing groups inspiration in how to make France better. After the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 and the end of the first French Revolution, France went through several revolutions and rebellions all inspired by the first revolution, then having a national revolution from the fascist right in 1940. Looking at ideology, society,and politics and political structure, the National Revolution can be seen as an echo of the first revolution as it mirrored yet twisted the ideals of the first revolution to fit a fascist world.
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After Napoleon’s defeat, France faced decades of violence and internal instability. The French state had an 1830 revolution which saw the end of the Bourbon monarchy and the rise of the pear king, Louis Philippe. This revolution saw a new constitution which had a constitutional monarchy where the “The person of the king is inviolable and sacred. His minister are responsible. To the king alone belong the executive power.” It also had “The proposal of laws belongs to the king, the Chamber of Peers and the Chamber of Deputies.” The state is strong, but it was divided so to prevent an autocracy under an unqualified …show more content…
In the work, C’est Pétain qu’il nous faut!, Pétain is described as “he is above politics…it is for this reason that President Doumergue invited him to serve…in a government that Doumergue interned to be a government of national unity, of national reassurance and of national reconciliation.” Pétain would unify France under a new society. Pétain created his new society based on active citizens, something that was debated during the first revolution, as in his Principles of the Community, Pétain wrote “Recognizing rights without imposing duties on man is to corrupt him. Imposing duties on him without recognizing rights is to debase him.” He pushed for society to active in fighting for a greater good for France. Where in the first revolution’s declaration stated “Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same rights.” The National Revolution acknowledged that all French people had rights, but added that all citizens have duties along with their rights.
This societal change can best be seen by the changing of the French motto. The three words that embodied France from 1789 onward were Liberte, Egalite, et Fraternite. Pétain replaced

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