POLS 2205 Term Paper
How Gaullism influence the French politics today?
Wong Tin Yan Joyce
Outline of the term paper
What is Gaullism?
This part will be focus on explaining what is Gaullism. Different aspects such as the foreign policies and domestic policies held by De Gaulle will also be included. His influence on the political parties will also be included Influence on modern leaders
In this part, I will focus on investigating the influence of Gaullism on
French leaders in modern times, namely Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois
Hollande. I will focus on their domestic policies and foreign policies and see whether they are influenced by Gaullism or not.
Motivation of this topic
President De Gaulle had been an important figure in French politics. He
Founded the Fifth Republic of France and served as its first president.
He also found his own political party, the RPF. Gaullism, his political ideology had influenced a lot of people. He was so remarkable that an airport in France was named after him. So I would like to do a research on how his thinking influenced the political parties, but also the leaders in France nowadays.
Main Questions Focused
I will focus on answering two main questions:
How Gaullism influenced political parties nowadays?
How Gaullism influenced political leaders, Nicolas Sarkoxy and Francois
Hollande nowadays?
To start this paper, we must take a look on De Gaulle’s policy when he was a president and explained what is Gaullism.
De Gaulle played an important role in ending the Algerian War in 1958.
At that time, Algeria was under war, the country was separated and seemed no way to solve this problem. De Gaulle quickly made the decision to end this. He proposed a famous speech, ordered all the officers to quit the rebellious Committee of Public Safety. This act angered the military supporters in Algeria. De Gaulle furthered his move by