For Kudler Fine Foods
Proposal By
Smith Consulting
Prepared By Russ Burt
For BSA/385
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Instructor : Joseph Mills
For this type of endeavor there are a few items that need to be considered before moving ahead with the project. The first and most important is how the points are going to be earned and tracked. Next is how are the customers going to check the balance of their points, and lastly how are they going to redeem those points once they are earned. In this proposal I intend to outline a couple of different options along with the benefits of each option.
For your customers you need to have in place a way to differentiate who is making the purchase. This is best handled with a loyalty card. This is like a credit card that stores your customer’s information and is not accessible by anyone outside of the store. This card will keep track of the purchases made by the customer in order to offer them the best coupons as well as notify them when items they frequently purchase go on sale, or come in stock. This is a great way to market to your customers. If we expand on this idea we can integrate a point system as well for the customer using the loyalty card. Customers can opt out of the loyalty card and still shop but they run the risk of not earning the point and may miss out on specials. This allows you to reward customers without restricting your customers. Since this card would contain the customers’ personal information such as address, E-Mail, phone, and demographic information you can use it for a variety of other applications as well. The best feature of this would be that by creating an online account the customer could get a digital receipt rather than a paper one, they could track and view their past purchases, and monitor their earned points as well as redeem them online.
Now that we have a way to track the purchase and issue the points we need to develop the
Bibliography: Kudler Fine Foods Intranet. (2007, 2010, 2011). Retrieved 07 22, 2012, from Kudler Fine Foods :