Audrey Manning
Savannah Mussington
Freshman Experience
29 Aug 2014
Is college going to be like what it looks like in movies? Are my roommate and I going to get along? Can I keep my grades up without falling behind? Are people going to like me? Am I going to like them? These were just some of the questions running through my mind as I made my way to Clinton, Iowa. It was finally move in day and although nervous, I was excited! Finally a freshman in college, living in a dorm without my parents, and moving on with the next step of my life was something I had been anticipating since my freshman year in high school but now that it was actually happening, I did not know what to expect. The drive to Ashford University was only about 2 hours long, but still those 2 hours were spent contemplating every little detail about the next four years of my life. To say the least, I was nervous. When I first got to the BW at Ashford University, everyone was so welcoming that my nerves were instantly calmed. My RA Chelsea showed me my room and my parents and I moved all my stuff into what was to become my new home for the next year. My roommate and I went to the same high school so we previously knew each other. Although we knew who each other we were never close and never hung out so it was going to be interesting to see how we would interact with each other and how we would get along. It turns out we get along great and I am happy to say that Ashlyn and I have become very close these last couple of weeks. To back up a little, I would like to explain why I chose Ashford University. When I was a freshman in high school I was volunteering with the YMCA when I heard of a college fair taking place. I attended it just to get an idea about different colleges. While there I went to the Ashford University booth and they informed me about their full academic scholarship. From that day forward I knew Ashford University would be