Movement in a body is produced by applying force on it. Force moves the body or tries to move it. It might produce or might not produce acceleration in body. If net force on a body is not zero, body will have acceleration, and otherwise not. …show more content…
First of all, weights of different available figurines were noted by selecting them individually. Weights of the three different figurines were noted in table 1. After that, two activities were performed. Activity 1 was meant to get an idea of various forces acting on the cart. Conditions were studied in which the cart has non-zero net force and zero net force along with the implications of such forces. Once done with activity 1, activity 2 was performed. In Activity 2, the cart was subjected to non-zero net force. Since non-zero net force creates acceleration in a body, therefore, the cart was in motion. The direction of its velocity was in the direction of net force. Based on net force, it was concluded that body would be either in static equilibrium or dynamic equilibrium. The body was in static equilibrium as it had not gained any motion and net force on it was zero. Similarly, the body was then set to be in dynamic equilibrium by first producing motion in it, and then making the net force on it zero. In this way, the equilibrium was discussed. Moreover, using the principle of friction, mass of a box stack was calculated. The coefficient of sliding friction was calculated by setting into motion the unknown mass. Once it gained motion, friction force was calculated. Having the acceleration due to gravity, the coefficient of sliding friction and friction force calculated, the mass of the stack was found