The aim of this experiment is to study the friction loss along a pipe. In this experiment, water and mercury have been used to demonstrate the law of resistance with different types of flow which are laminar and turbulent flow. The variation of head loss will be obtained and hence determined the Reynold numbers and friction factor. In the end of the experiment, the law of resistance which is the relationship between i and u will be determined and hence established the critical R and friction factor.
1.0 Introduction
In a small application, the friction loss along the pipe is small enough to neglect. As for the large application like chemical and manufacturing industries, it is usually involve in large flow network which caused a lot of energy losses during the fluid flow by the fluid friction. Therefore, the friction losses along the pipe have to be taken into consideration in order to achieve the better performance for the continuous flow of fluid. The friction factor is essential to the fluid flow and the loss of energy. The loss of energy during the fluid flow is usually due to the dissipation of energy by friction loss along the pipe. If the pipe is of uniform cross-section and roughness, and the flow is fully developed, that is if it is sufficiently far from the inlet of the pipe for conditions to have become settled, the piezometric head falls uniformly ( Bernad Massey).
In this experiment, the variation of head loss between the laminar flow and turbulent flow will be observed and hence determine the friction factor and Reynold number. Figure 1 below shows the head loss of the fluid flowing through a small diameter of pipe. The difference in A and B indicate the amount of head loss (h). Besides, the hydraulic gradient (i) defined as the rate of loss (h) along the pipe with length (l). (1)
Figure 1: Head loss of fluid flow
Reynolds Number
Basically the experiment is conducted with two different conditions which flow
References: 1. Roa, S.C. 2011, Mechanical Vibrations, 5th edn, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, p.261. 2. Roa, S.C. 2011, Mechanical Vibrations, 5th edn, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, p.263.