A Friend or Foe of Walmart
There has been recent controversy over deciding if building a Walmart in Rock Island, IL is a good idea or not. My question is: What benefits will it bring? Referring back to the panel at Black Hawk College on April 15, 2014, building a Walmart has plenty of benefits but simultaneously has many disadvantages, not only to the community but the individuals that reside in that area. There are many benefits that Walmart would bring into the Rock Island community. First, it would create more jobs, bring 11th street some attractions, and help people save money from their lowest price guarantee. On the other hand, the disadvantages seem to outweigh the benefits, making it a bad idea from jump. The City of Rock Island should be at fault about this entire situation, not Walmart. First off, Rock Island County is paying 16 million dollars to Walmart for their store to be in Rock Island. I believe that 16 million dollars should be incorporated into other ideas such as rebuilding many of Rock Island Streets and funding more programs that challenge the mind as well as promote teamwork. Indeed, this is a conversation for a different time; however it is relevant to the disadvantages of building a Walmart. Walmart creates the jobs they promise, however, they refuse to pay their workers living wages. Walmart is one of America’s largest retailers and is more than capable of offering their employees a reasonable pay; but unfortunately pays their workers around $11/hr. Research shows that an average households cost for living is estimated $2000 a month. That is estimated $12.50/hr. In addition, because workers at Walmart are badly paid by one of the wealthiest corporations in, they can barely afford health benefits due to the cost of daily living. Secondly, they are employed on an on-call basis which means they have to go in whenever called. This could have a potential downfall on college students or other individuals with