“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” dealt a lot with friendship, growing friendships, and friendships that people thought would never happen. It also shows the importance of friendship and how it can really benefit some people. The friendship between Tom and Huck is a strong one. Tom is always looking for adventure and Huck looks up to Tom. The friendship between Huck and Jim was a growing friendship throughout the book. The aspiring friendship between Huck and Tom, and Huck and Jim come up numerous times throughout the book. Let’s start with the friendship between Huck and Tom. Tom is a child who looks for adventure wherever he can and loves the thrill of adventures. Huck, looks up to Tom and if Tom is trying to have fun and doing crazy things, Huck is probably doing them with him. Huck and Tom would probably do anything together because their friendship is that strong. Tom also likes to try and do what is done in the books. For example, when Tom wanted to play a prank on Jim, he was doing it by the book by tying Jim to the tree (Twain 8). …show more content…
Now on to the friendship between Huck and Jim.
Huck and Jim started out hardly even knowing each other. Then Huck ran away to an island and Jim was on the island because he had ran away as well (49). They thought it would be best if they stayed together and traveled south down the river (49). Their friendship was growing as they traveled. At the beginning of their travels, Huck had contemplated turning Jim in because he was a runaway slave. But as they kept traveling, Huck began to realize how much Jim cared and he began to second guess himself on turning Jim in. Soon, Huck began to feel bad for even thinking about turning Jim in, even if that was the ‘right’ thing to do
(53). Towards the end of the story, those to friendships kind of work together. They didn’t really plan on working together right away, but when they were given the chance they took it. They started working together when Jim was captured and needed to be broken out. But, Tom being Tom, wanted to take the way of the books to get him out, insisting on these crazy things in order to get him out. Huck followed along, being a good friend, but he wanted to change some of Tom’s ideas (300-315). Jim also followed along because he didn’t want to disappoint the boys. Once they freed Jim, they were running away and Tom ended up getting shot (318). Jim being the caring man he is, stayed by Tom’s side while Huck went for a doctor (319). When Huck met up with them, he had discovered that Jim had been captured again (329). This time Jim was freed from reasoning and the law; the doctor explained how he risked his life and freedom to save Tom and after that Tom had explained how in Miss Watson’s will, she had set Jim free (331) In the end, the friendship between Huck and Tom was an interesting friendship and they like enjoying themselves. The friendship between Tom and Jim was a growing friendship throughout the book and they ended up really caring for each other. In the end, friendship can be a really great and powerful thing that can change the lives of others.
Work Cited
Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 1997. Print.