Harriet Tubman was an African American who helped hundreds of slaves in the southern United States escape to freedom. She became a famous leader of the underground railroad. The underground railroad was a secret system that helped slaves escape to the northern United States or to Canada . Admirers called her Tubman became a conductor on the underground railroad. She carried a gun and promised to use it on anyone who threatened the success of her operation. She was assisted by white and free black abolitionists.
Harret Tubman was brave because she led all the slaves to a specific spot and she didnt need to do that she can just leave them there but Harriet Tubman promised them warmth and comfort and she also carried a gun
if anyone was going try to leave she would threaten them not to. But Harriet Tubman was an American hero because she led does slaves all the way to Canada and back and made at least 19 trips. Even though Harriet Tubman was an black African American that was enslaved she also was a hero for what she did she didn't want slavery she wanted peace that's why she had those friends on the way there to help out feed the people give them warmth except for the first house they didn't want slaves at the first stop . Harriet Tubman kept people in fit not only was it a long walk it actually made them exercise finally Harriet Tubman made it to Canada she let the slaves have there freedom before she starts heading back to get more slaves and bring them to Canada . Harriet took the slaves to Canada because you had to go a certain limit before getting to be a free citizen and not end up a slave again Harriet Tubman is a hero and will be in history no and forever in time