The twentieth century has witnessed remarkable changes in the field of politics, sports, science and technology. This ever changing landscape of the world has warranted great leaders to emerge and significantly alter the course of history. Such names include Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, Bill Gates and Mother Teresa; all of which have had a profound impact on the global arena. However, where there has been great prosperity, there has also been great injustice, poverty and destruction. This has led to a new breed of leaders emerging in order to tackle such challenges. Names like Mahatir Mohamad, Nelson Mandela, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Mahatma Gandhi, John.F.Kennedy and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto have surfaced in order to change the political landscape forever. This essay focuses on two of the greatest leaders that Pakistan has ever produced; Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. It starts off with several definitions of leadership and explanation of various leadership theories. Next it divulges into a brief background of both leaders and seeks to apply different leadership theories to their actions. Finally, it concludes with an evaluation of the effectiveness of different leadership styles adopted by each leader and their significance in the pages of history.
Leadership according to the Encyclopedia of Social Sciences is the “relation between an individual and a group built around some common interest and behaving in a manner directed or determined by him.” In the same vein, Herbert G. Hicks and C.R. Gullett identified leadership as the ‘ability to influence the behavior of others in a particular direction.’ However there is no agreed definition of leadership and Philip Selznick states that Leadership ‘is a kind of work done to meet the needs of a social situation.’ It is argued that the notion of leadership is different for all individuals as James McGregor Burns so eloquently puts it “Leadership is one of the most observed and
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