Luz A. Cardona
Mr. Butler
Eng 111-1N
January 24, 2013
From A Nightmare to Reality With music blasting, singing out loud, chewing a Strawberry Bubblelicious gum, and driving by East Broad Street, it was just another typical morning on my way to school. I was a few miles from school; I only had to turn onto a gravel road to get to North Center Street, which was where the high school was located. As I was driving, all of a sudden I started to sense like dizziness, perhaps numbness in my head and everything started to feel weird. Meanwhile, I felt like if I was going unconscious, but the everlasting sensation of a sharp pain running down from my head to my feet didn’t feel like a regular nightmare. Suddenly, I woke up with my heart beating figuratively at 200 beats per minute. Feeling disoriented and not knowing what had happened I realized that it was only a dream; it must have been just another horrendous nightmare. I usually have terrifying nightmares, but this one wasn’t only a typical nightmare; it could have been a sign of what could happen, I thought. In fact, a few weeks after the nightmare, I had an experience that eventually had a few similarities with that horrible dream that I had a few weeks before it would turn into a lifelike reality; it was actually like a deja-vu encounter. About 8 years ago a memorable accident happened to me. As a high school student I couldn’t be more than excited to wait for the weekend. I got home that Friday after school and got ready for the night; it was the monthly relationship celebration with my boyfriend, so I had to look amazing. I left home at around 7 pm, everything was fine, and I was driving down Interstate 40 near exit 132 in my white Chevrolet-Blazer listening to music. I was anxious to know what surprise my boyfriend had for me, which restaurant we would go to celebrate, and what gift he had for me. Maybe I was driving a little bit too fast due to my excitement, when all sudden it felt like