People in their twenties who are experiencing behavioral issues sometimes play it off as stress, but sometimes, just to be cautious, you need to have it be checked out. Behavioral issues is a sign of Frontotemporal Dementia. Understanding more about FTD could help determine whether or not you are affected by it. Frotntotemporal Dementia, FTD, is a type of dementia that affects the frontal lobes of the brain. The nerve cell damage that leads to loss of function in these brain regions, which variably cause worsening in their behavior and personality, language disturbances, or alterations in muscle or motor functions, is caused by FTD (Frontotemporal Dementia 2015). FTD is a degenerate disease that appears earlier than …show more content…
Their ability to concentrate, personality, social skills, motivation and reasoning is what the changes are in. These symptoms are sometimes confused with psychiatric problems. Gradual changes are in their customary ways of behaving and responding to others. Visual perception, language and memory are generally not damaged for the first two years, the other areas of the brain that the disease has spread to also become affected. Frontotemporal Dementia affects females more than it does males. Symptoms of FTD reflect on the fact that the brain degeneration is not initially widespread and settles in the parts of the brain that are important for social skills, reasoning judgment, and the ability to initiative. The parts of the brain that regulates insight, comportment and reasoning are affected by FTD. In different social contexts social behavior, insight, and “appropriateness” refer to the term “comportment”. Normal comportment involves having insight and the ability to recognize what behavior is appropriate in a particular social situation and to adopt ones behavior to the situation. Comportments also refer to the style and context of a person’s language. Certain types of language are acceptable in some situations or with friends and family, and not acceptable in others. An important aspect of comportment is insight; it has to do with the capability to “see” oneself as others do. …show more content…
One subtype is primary progressiveness aphasia, which is characterized by an increasing difficulty in using and understanding written and spoken language. People with another subtype, semantic dementia, utter grammatically correct speech that has no relevance to the conversation at hand. The difficulty of reading the words for common objects or the difficulty of understanding written or spoken language is a symptom of Semantic Dementia. Slow talking and having difficulty finding the right word to use or naming objects is logopenic phonological aphasia (Diseases 2014). They also may have some memory difficulty. Other forms of Frontotemporal Dementia are Frontal variant FTD (fvFTD), an older term for behavioral variant FTD; neuronal inclusion, any small intracellular body found within a neuron (nerve or brain cell); Pick’s disease, another name for Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), which has also been called Frontal Variant Frontotemporal Dementia and Frontotemporal Dementia (ABCs