Yes | Go to Question 12.** | | | No | | | | | 2. Are you very short of breath, and are you coughing up pink, frothy mucus? |
Yes | Your symptoms may be from a serious condition called PULMONARY EDEMA (fluid in the lungs). | | EMERGENCYGO TO THE NEAREST EMERGENCY ROOM RIGHT AWAY. | No | | | | | 3. Does your cough produce clear or pale yellow mucus? |
Yes | You may have a viral illness such as a COLD or the FLU. | | Get plenty of rest, and drink lots of fluids. Try over-the-counter medicines to treat your symptoms. | No | | | | | 4. Does your cough produce yellow, tan or green mucus? |
Yes | You …show more content…
Does the cough come with shortness of breath and wheezing? |
Yes | These symptoms may be a sign of ASTHMA, a constriction of the airways. | | Asthma can be dangerous and should be diagnosed and treated by your doctor. | No | | | | …show more content…
SEE YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY. | No | | | | | *10. Do you have a fever, chills and night sweats along with chest pain when you cough or take a deep breath? |
Yes | These symptoms may be caused byTUBERCULOSIS or another type of infection. | | See your doctor. | No | | | | | 11. Have you unintentionally lost weight? |
Yes | This may be a sign of a serious illness, such asLUNG CANCER. Other signs of lung cancer may include a cough that produces bloody sputum, shortness of breath and wheezing. | | See your doctor right away. | No | | | | | **12. Did you inhale dust, particles or an object? |
Yes | IRRITATION OF THE AIRWAYS will cause coughing to attempt to clear the object or irritation out of the airway. | | If the coughing is severe or if you don't believe the irritant has been cleared from your airway, see your doctor or go to the emergency room right away. | No | | | | | For more information, please talk to your doctor. If you think your problem is serious, call your doctor right away. | | | |