piece of foam was put back into both vial tubes and they were closed using their corresponding lids. Using a sharpie, both stock tubes were labeled with the research member’s names, the date, and “old” or new.” On week three, the media from both tubes was observed, and also, the number of larvae and adult flies was recorded, the same process of transferring flies from and old tock vial to a new one was performed.
On the fifth week of the study the media was observed again, along with recording the numbers of the flies and larvae. Later, an experimental apparatus was used to handle the flies. Two clear tubs and two end caps, along with one T-joiner and one reducer were used, the purpose of the reducer was to attach it to the fly vials and use it to place them into the apparatus, then the apparatus was divided into four equal parts that were labeled, where flies were counted in each of these sections were they had been attached, after doing this, the tubes had four sections marked as “A,” “B, “ “C,” and “D,” by marking them this way it was easier to observe the
flies. To examine the differences between the manipulated group and the treatment group, there was a different setting prepared for the latter. The control group did not receive any kind of repellent or stimulus, to complete this, the fly vial was attached to the apparatus, and then removed so that the flies were able to transfer and then their behaviors and movements were recorded. After conducting this part of the study, the flies were then transferred back into their particular stock vials by opening the apparatus, and tapping the flies into the vial. The treatments applied were necessary to record the responses in the Drosophila melanogaster to each of the treatments, these included light (phototaxis), heat (thermotaxis), apple cider vinegar (chemotaxis), caraway (chemotaxis), and also angle of apparatus (gravitaxis). After discussing the predictions of the behaviors of the flies in response to the treatments, each of these were tested. It was recorded how the fruit flies responded to light, either by flying next to it, towards it or even away from it. Using a heating pad, the behavior of the fruit flies was observed when presented with high temperature. Then, the flies behaviors where recorded according to their reaction when found next to a chemical treatment (apple cider vinegar), and also the angle of the apparatus was changed to a 30 degree angle to see how it influenced the flies’ behaviors or flying patterns. To analyze the results of the observations recorded a statistical approach was applied, the research team performed a chi square test for each of the treatments and decide how accurate their predictions were.