• A stirred-up state of hopelessness that results when a person is prevented from reaching a particular goal to which he has aspired or prevented from satisfying his physiological needs
• The condition of being thwarted(prevented) in the satisfaction of a motive
Sources of frustration
• Physiological problems- more or less are our basic needs such as food, water, shelter etc.
• Environmental problems-problems set by culture in which man lives
• Psychological problems-internal problems are most difficult to resolve as they are within the inner feelings of a person
• The organism itself- physical handicaps and personal limitations can obstruct one’s goals
• Is the simultaneous presence of opposing or mutually exclusive impulses, desires, or tendencies.
Three basic patterns:
– Conflicting attraction- may cause frustration if a person is attracted to two things but can have only one.
– Attraction-repulsion- may cause frustration if a person cannot decide on something he likes to do because it is closely associated with something he dislikes
– Conflicting-avoidance- may cause frustration if a person has to choose between two things which he dislikes.
Types of defense reaction
A. Aggressive reaction
• Displacement- it is taking our impulses on less threatening target
Forms of displacement
– Scapegoating - is a form of hostility expressed against a person or an object other than the original source of frustration.
– Free-floating- hostility becomes generalized so that it is directed at almost anything or anybody.
– Suicide- hostility is directed toward the self.
B. Withdrawal reactions
• Fantasy- it is a temporary escape or retreat from the difficulties of real life into a world of fantasy where one’s desire can be fulfilled in imagination.
• Identification- the individual enhances his feeling of importance by imitating or acquiring the characteristics of a person whom he admires.
• Repression- it is a process