Foundation Course in Science and Technology Bachelor’s Degree Programme (BDP) (Valid from 1 st July, 2012 to 31st March, 2013)
It is compulsory to submit the assignment before filling in the exam form
School of Sciences Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi ( 2012-13)
Dear Student, We hope, you are familiar with the system of evaluation to be followed for the Bachelor's Degree Programme. At this stage you may probably like to re-read the section on assignments in the Programme Guide that was sent to you after your enrolment. A weightage of 30 percent, as you are aware, has been earmarked for continuous evaluation, which would consist of one tutor-marked assignment for this course. This assignment is based on all Blocks of this course i.e. Block 1-8. Instructions for Formatting Your Assignments Before attempting the assignments, please read the following instructions carefully. 1 On top of the first page of your answer sheet, please write the details exactly in the following format:
ENROLMENT NO: …………………... NAME: …………………... ADDRESS: …………………... …………………………… COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE
: ………………………………. : ………………………………..
ASSIGNMENT NO : ………………………………... STUDY CENTRE : ……………………………..… DATE: …………………...
(NAME AND CODE) PLEASE FOLLOW THE ABOVE FORMAT STRICTLY TO FACILITATE EVALUATION AND TO AVOID DELAY. 2 3 4 5 6 Use only foolscap size writing paper (but not of very thin variety) for writing your answers. Leave 4 cm margin on the left, top and bottom of your answer sheet. Your answers should be precise. While writing answers, clearly indicate the Question No. and part of the question being solved. Please note that: (i) (ii) This assignment is valid from 1st July, 2012 to 31st March, 2013. However, the response to this assignment is to be submitted to the Study Centre Coordinator within eight weeks of the receipt of this booklet in order to get the feedback and comments on the evaluated assignment, and