There are no advantages of tax evasion because it is illegal to do. It may seem like an advantage at the time because it is the refusal to pay taxes. However, a person can face jail time and severe fines if and when they are caught.
The best way to ensure the tax aspects of arrangements you are entering into are safe is to give us all the facts and obtain a ruling from us. Any investment should not depend on the estimated tax savings to make it worthwhile. There are significant risks to investing in tax schemes, including penalties and interest.
Tax Avoidance advantage and disadvantage
Using illegal means to reduce or erase the payable tax by any individual or company is called tax evasion. In tax avoidance, the party in question uses loopholes in tax laws in order to reduce taxes applicable to them. This may include reducing the principal figures of taxable revenue or payments. For example, a company may declare a smaller amount of dividends in order to reduce the amount of withholding tax owed by them.
All tactics that are used by businesses in avoiding taxes are aimed at increasing their final profits. This in turn leads to better rewards for share holders and reduced prices for their products or services. They therefore compete better in their industry.
Tax Avoidance Strategies
Although there are numerous ways of avoiding taxes, multinational companies have caught governments off guard as they formulate better and more affective tax avoidance measures. In recent times, international companies have virtually defrauded governments by channeling their profits to off-shore countries with low or no corporation taxes. Such countries are called tax havens.
At least 100 multinational companies have benefited this way by creating ‘Letter-Box-Companies’ in countries with zero corporation tax. They avoid taxes to the tune of billions of dollars per year by booking their profits here. The tax havens do not benefit as much as