The transition from the multicultural era of the eighties to the postnetwork era of the nineties triggered abrupt changes in American media and culture. [6] From fashions to family life, relationships, and attitudes, many new cultural elements subsequently changed television portrayals of ordinary American culture within this time period. More specifically, the culture of the eighties is often characterized by the rise of MTV and megastars, techno music and club drugs, and popular fashions such as leather, leggings, and Ray Bans. Eighties culture can be described as the ‘bombdigity’ and nineties culture can be described as more toned down, moral, and ‘sweet’. Stylistically, high-waist mom jeans and petite baby doll dresses were ever present throughout this decade. Furthermore, the culture of the nineties was much more calm, family oriented, and down to earth. Full House is a family sitcom that aired during this time of cultural change. Full House struggled to encompass both the disappearing culture of the eighties and the emerging culture of the nineties. Nonetheless, while early episodes of Full House showed off late-eighties retro styles and peculiar attitudes, the television program also introduced new, unconventional portrayals of men and emphasized the importance of morality and family values in the nineties.
Full House originally aired on primetime television on ABC from September 1987 to May 1995. Today, the series is still syndicated on many channels. The program depicts the simple, ordinary lives of an unconventional San Francisco upper middle class ‘family’. The Tanner family was very unconventional due to the family’s unique structure, three single males working together to raise three young girls. Danny Tanner, father to DJ Tanner, Stephanie Tanner, and Michelle Tanner, was left to raise his children alone when his wife was killed in a drunk driving accident. Initially left on
References: [1] Everywhere You Look Lyrics. (n.d.). Lyrics Mode. Retrieved March, 2010, from [2] Full House [Television broadcast]. (1988, January 28). YouTube. Retrieved from [3] Klumas, Amy L., & Marchant, Thomas. (1994). Images of Men in Popular Sitcoms. Journal of Men’s Studies, 2(3), 269. Retrieved March 23, 2010, from Research Library. [4] Weiss, Audrey J, & Wilson, Barbara J. (1996). Emotional portrayals in family television series that are popular among children. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 40(1), 1. Retrieved March 23, 2010, from Research Library. [5] Williams, Raymond. (1958). Culture and Society. London: Chatto and Windus. [6] Scannell, Paddy. (2010). Lecture: Postnetwork Television