In the movie Full Metal Jacket, directed by Stanley Kubrick, the plot evolved around a training camp before the Vietnam War. In the training camp the soldiers learned about, teamwork, and acceptance. The group ostracizes one soldier and he kills their drill sergeant. The Movie focuses on the horror and pressure of going to war and connects with “the things they carry”, by Tim O’Brien.
In Full Metal Jacket, many uncomfortable areas are addressed. The majority of this film develops in a boot camp before the soldiers have seen combat. This film intensely portrays the hardship of training on a physical and emotional level. The soldiers are tested to their limits and this sorts out the “men from the boys”. One of the trainees is overweight and constantly holding back the team. The soldiers often send a message to private Gomer Pyle. On one occasion they tied him to his bed and gagged him, then took turns beating him with pillowcases filled with soap. The Soldiers were bombarded with commands by their drill sergeant. The drill sergeant screamed every word he said to them in an effort to turn them from boys to soldiers. This did not work for the soldier that was ostracized. Private Pyle could not take his drill sergeant yelling at him any more, so …show more content…
There is also little combat taking place for the soldiers. The soldiers in both movies were trained to survive and become war heroes. This was not the case for all soldiers and some had different reasons. The soldiers in both stories all had nicknames that were given to them. The soldiers felt connected together because of what they have been through. The difference is that the soldiers in the Things they carried, is that they met in Vietnam, and the soldiers in Full Metal Jacket had met at training camp and then immediately dispersed after a trainee killed their Drill