In a college students life, no matter how young or old he or she may be, there are many tasks that are required of him or her, and a lot of responsibilities to uphold. No matter if you are a full or part time student, living at home with family, living alone and maintaining a part or full time job, living with a partner or spouse with or without children, the stress of keeping up is still there. Just trying to do the juggling act to be able to balance each aspect of your life and keep focus on your school work can cause much stress to anyone. Stress leads to depression. While there are many causes of depression, stress of everyday life and not meeting the standards that oneself or society sets for a person can lead to a spiraling downfall of emotions. This may commence over a period of time and get more and more severe if the situation does not change in any way. Not only could the workload of class assignments and schedules lead to a depression causing symptom, but anxiety of starting something new and being in unfamiliar territory with unfamiliar people, which often happens when going away to college. Some students may be socially challenged when it comes to making new friends and getting familiarized with new places. Another cause of depression could be a bit of the past coming to light. When the mind gets altered by recollections of past abuse or memories it may cause a flood of emotions leading to depression as well.
Effects of depression in a college student’s life can be devastating to oneself, to family and friends as well. Depression tends to lead to lack of energy and inability to maintain concentration or interest in life at home, work or school. The downfall to not being able to concentrate due to depression in school could ultimately lead to failure of a course or courses, which could result in a student losing any financial assistance that is being awarded based on academics.
There are many ways to treat depression both medically and non medically. Naturally, one would try to remedy any depression issues by speaking with a counselor, clergyman or any person that is open to listen to the issues one may be facing to cause such depression. Sometimes just being heard is a good enough treatment to pull a person out of a slump. Other times, in more severe cases when just being heard isn't doing the trick, it may be necessary to consult a trained physician to get a prescription medication that will ease the symptoms and bring a person back to a happy state of mind.
No matter what the case may be, depression is real, it can affect each and every one of us at some point in our lives and it can be prevented and treated if a person is aware and cares enough to change the outcome.
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