The initiation phase is about deciding to embark on innovation, and of developing commitment towards the process. It is the process leading up to and including the decision to proceed with implementation. It can take many different forms, ranging from a decision by a single authority to a broad –based mandate. Innovations get initiated from many different sources and for different reasons. The matter of the need for change can be driven by one or several. In the context of this study, the Jika iMfundo programme was initiated by the KZN Department of Education in collaboration with the National Education Trust in response to the poor performance of learners in Mathematics, Science and …show more content…
INITIATION Lack of clarity of the meaning and reason for change; change is imposed, lack of support; limited resources; senior leadership is obstructive to change and change is not an improvement. Clear and well-structured approach to change; voluntary participation; common values and concerns; availability of resources; change seen as an improvement; ownership of change; active initiation and advocacy; change contributes to ongoing improvement
IMPLEMENTATION Conflict and power struggles; lack of a vision; lack of motivation and provision of early incentives; lack of monitoring; inertia; opposition from senior staff There’s early success with the change; meets the needs; open channels of communication; incentives are provided; peer interaction and support; integration of top-down and bottom-up strategies; external support