Conflict theory sociologists feel as though people are in a constant competition and that is concept also applies to family. Conflict within the family can stem from things such as miscommunication, or stress from work. Conflict Theory sociologists emphasizes the importance of effective communication and compromise to move forward past conflicts. I know personally, over the 7 years of being married, conflict has proved to only make our communication and relationship not only better, but also stronger. Just recently, we had an argument about what time the children should be in bed by. We discussed this topic until we both compromised and reached a mutually agreement. We overcame the conflict.
Symbolic interactionism sociologists feel that a family’s verbal communication is not the only important factor but also the nonverbal communication shown. Family’s interactions can be shaped by cultural beliefs, religion and the environment they are exposed to. For example, just recently my grandmother was placed in a nursing home for a short period of time. I went to go visit her, but because she looked so weak and frail I didn’t say much because I knew she was tired and looked as though she wanted to rest. Come to find out, she interpreted my lack of