many people are apathetic towards politics 2. as of 2005, only 36% of college freshman keep up with politics a) american youth are less likely to be informed of political events b) Generation X holds the future, but are not well informed c) this has lowered the national percentage of those who vote Government A. institutions that make authoritative decisions for society collectively is known as government B. Roles of government include 1. maintain a national defense a) governments protect national sovereignty by maintaining armed forces b) since 9/11 the defense budget has substantially increased 2. provide public services a) schools b) libraries c) weather forecasting d) highways e) public parks f) public goods 3. preserve order a) every government must have a way to preserve order in cases of outbreak, protest, etc... b) ex.…
Prupose 3: to insure domestic tranquility. A primary function of government is to maintain order and peace within a country.…
* Government: institutions + processes through which public policies are made for a society (Congress, president, the courts, federal administrative agencies)…
The six purposes of government are to: keep order, provide security, settle conflicts, set policies, make budgets, and interact with other communities.…
What are the basic functions of government? Provide public goods, Determine and enforce civil laws of property and conduct, Enforce and regulate fair and responsible business practices, Protect and regulate the sustainable use of natural resources, Foreign Relations - Diplomacy and Defense…
A government is the political direction and control applied over the actions of members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states. Over the years several types of governments have been created and established to fit a distinct way of living. Every society has a government, and each one is different and/or similar from one another. Various ones are preferred more than others because they are more than likely not to corrupt. The way a government is ran is decided among the citizens of how efficient it will operate.…
The U.S. government 's primary role is to ensure the economic and social well-being of its citizens. A controversial debate that rises from this responsibility concerns the degree to which and how the government should be actively involved within the community. Areas of continued government involvement include assistance to small business and reducing the poverty level.…
2. The War Power: The national government is responsible for protecting the nation from external aggression, whether from other nations or international terrorism. The government’s power to protect national security includes the power to wage war. The national government has the power to do whatever is necessary and proper to wage war successfully. Thus the national government has the power to do almost anything in direct conflict with constitutional guarantees.…
The government ensures the protection of inherent rights, and protects freedom, liberty, and prosperity. The government is also used to reach these types of compromises. It is very rare for people to completely agree on such controversial issues, and the government asks as the mediator in order for things to actually get…
03/17/2017 Section One: Government -The means by which a society organizes itself and allocates authority in order to accomplish collective goals and provide benefits that the society as a whole needs. The goals of the governments are to accomplish economic prosperity for the nation, secure national borders, and the safety and well-being of citizens. Governments also provide benefits for their citizens. There are different types of benefits that government provides but it depends on the country. The common benefits that the government usually provides are as education, health care, and an infrastructure for transportation.…
The state is a self-governing body that is independent, has a permanent population as well as a defined territory and is self-supporting. It acquires the power to create and modify legislation. Therefore a state has sovereignty over its territory; this indicates that is has considerable economical, political, social and legal power. The state however also has an obligation to address the needs of the individuals of the state as well as the community, yet; on the other hand legislation is introduced to help limit the power of the state. When the needs of the individual come in difference with the varying needs of the sate, conflict arises; thereby it is required for the needs of the individual and the state to be in balance. Citizens of a sovereign state are able to challenge state power in two ways: by informal means and formal means.…
The purpose of government is to assist and aid its citizens in a stable and fair economy, and to protect them from foreign aggression. If the government fails to provide this, then through elections the people have the right to elect those who are more inclined to govern by providing the wants and needs of…
The government is the only source of legal justice. We as human being have strong moral to treat others fairly regardless of their gender, race, or religion. The government is the only institution that can make this a reality. There are government policies and institution that are designed for the purpose of promoting important public values. Some of the most important things the government provides are: social and economic justice, criminal justice and freedom and equality.…
Yes, the government plays an important role in conveying the rights and duties of citizens and how to protect them from threats. Yet, this is very different from how individual’s assume that the duty of the government is to create these rights or implement people’s duties through various programs that replace a person’s ability to assess and initiate things independently.…
Insure domestic tranquility: Government must provide order within the people so there will and can be domestic peace. It also has to keep these people, who know nothing about living or being democratic, from going into anarchy.…