Religion may dictate a set of acceptable standards and those who wish to remain in that society must adhere to those standards, within acceptable limits. For those who are unable to do this, for whatever reason, there is the option of leaving the society or of beginning / belonging to, another religion.
Fundamental to all religions is the concept of a relationship. The relationship may involve one or more persons, it may be physical and or spiritual and it may be dynamic or static, real or imagined. Within the ambit of this relationship words such as 'devotion, enlightenment, respect, faith, sacred, holy, worship, solace, sacrifice mystical and charismatic' are used. Communication channels may be formal and organised as through a priest / priestess, witchdoctor / shaman, where there is a set time and place when religious activity can take place. Communication may be informal where the individual has a 'direct line' at any time, and any