Fundamentalism and Nature vs. Nurture
Based on what I have learned in PSYC. 101, principals of psychology, the theory I have taken an interest in is functionalism and nature vs. nurture theory. These theories have given me ways to function better and to know the different between nature and nurture. Functionalism is the doctrine that makes something a thought, desire, pain (or any other type of mental state) depends not on its internal constitution, but solely on its function, or the role it plays, in the cognitive system of which it is apart. More precisely, functionalism theories take the identity of a mental state to be determined by its casual relations to sensory stimulations, other mental states and behavior. The functionalist theory holds that inequality is a benefit to society as a whole because the promise of greater rewards, motivates people to take risks, pursue difficult goals, challenge existing ideas, innovate, and explore. (Ex. How many of you would trust a surgeon who made 30,000 a year to do brain surgery on you?). I would apply functionalism to my future career by realizing that regardless of what I have learned in school and on other jobs, I still hav eto adapt to a new environment when starting a new job. Like the saying goes “there are a million ways to skin a cat” I can’t start my future career believing that I know everything, because if I do so it will hold me back from learning anything new. Also, being able to adapt live at work ( the founder of functionalism) will make me a better employee and help me navigate through my career as I am promoted to higher roles in a company. Functionalism is an early perspective in psychology which was studied by William James. The focus of the study is how the mind allow people to adapt, live, work and play. William James theory of functionalism was heavenly influenced by Charles Darwin ideas of natural selection in which physical traits that helped an animal adapt to its environment and survive were passed to its offspring, thus
References: Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
1915 (1912) The Elementary Forms of Religious Life. J.W. Swain, trans. London: Allen & Unwin.
1933 (1893) Division of Labor in Society. G. Simpson, trans. New York: Macmillan.
1951 (1897) Suicide. J. Spaulding and G. Simpson, trans. New York: Free Press.
1935 "On the Concept of Function in Social Science." American Anthropologist, 37: 394-402.
1952 (1940) "On Social Structure." Structure and Function in Primitive Society, New York: The Free Press.
1952 Structure and Function in Primitive Society, New York: The Free Press.