Many individuals respond better to counselors when they share the same ethnic background. Clients can build relationships with their helpers because they have credibility in some areas that another counselor with a different ethnic background would not understand. An example would be an inner city African American boy seeing a Caucasian counselor in an upscale part of town. The same circumstances and situation for one ethnicity does not always hold the same to another. Ethnicity plays a huge role in the comfortability and response the helpee will highlight during the sessions. Another important aspect is building a relationship with the helpee. The helper and helpee must show the similar personality traits to effectively solve the problem. The relationship must provide guidelines and boundaries to protect both the helper and helpee. As a counselor, the relationship must come from a genuine place because the helpee understands that this is a job and compensation is coming from these sessions. The counselor must be very strategic and honest with the helpee to build a trusting relationship that the helper is truly present to guide the patient in solving their …show more content…
The course content taught that those who are seeking help are more comfortable with people of their own ethnicity. Promoting and ensuring diversity is present in counseling enables other communities of different ethnic backgrounds to seek help as well. Counselors from different cultural backgrounds is vital to counseling individuals and solving the problems that people come to sessions with. I think about the expansion of access to counselors when diversity is present in counseling because now more people will have access to counselors that they are able to relate to more. Another aspect of diversity in counseling is the other methods and techniques that could be created. Understanding different cultures and how they create new ways of doing things is something that directly relates to counseling and the techniques that are utilized. Different ethnic backgrounds of counselors may have adapted different cultural methods into their counseling sessions that creates results and increase likelihood of the helpee solving the