• Ethics & Social Responsibility
Tutor: KW CHING kwching@ntu.edu.sg kwching@singnet.com.sg
The environment creates uncertainty for managers Managers must respond and design adaptive organizations Uncertainty – managers do not have sufficient information about environmental factors to understand and predict environmental needs and changes
Management as an Integrating Activity
Individuals – Organization – Environment
(Design )
Individuals / Groups
Conflicts in
Needs & Demands
Opportunities & Risks to the Organization
Critical Thinking
• What do you need to know to manage an organization efficiently & effectively?
– Organization (nature & characteristics) – People (behavior)
– Working together (dynamics) in the various intertwined organizations through
– Division of labour (structure)
Ethics & Social
Change, etc.
Personality, values, attitudes, needs, goals, motivation, learning, perceptions, emotions, stress, etc.
An organization is a collection of people who must work together through divisions of labor to achieve a common purpose
Group dynamics, teams, leadership, communication, decision-making, trust, conflict, negotiation, influence, power, politics, etc. Organizational design
(structure), job design
(job satisfaction, motivation), etc.
• Why should managers be concerned with Ethics & Social Responsibility?
An Organization has a moral obligation to be ethical and be a responsible citizen to the society.
Do you know?
The society (marketplace) makes up the external environment of an organization
What is Ethics?
Ethics can be defined as the study of what constitutes right or wrong behavior.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy which seeks to address questions about morality.
In simpler terms
The Nature of Ethics
Ethics is made up of the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that people can use to analyze or interpret a situation and