When I wasn't born yet, my grandpa was really active. He went fishing with my brother, shopping, and he even drove one of those huge pickup trucks one million miles without an accident. My grandpa was awesome, but when I was born, everything changed. My grandpa got sick with cancer when I was born and all he could do was sitting in his chair and watch TV all day. I hardly got to do anything with him because of how sick he was. He survived five cancers before he passed away.
One normal morning I woke up and …show more content…
I ran upstairs and continued to cry. How could he have died so quickly? Why did this happen? Why him and not somebody else? These thoughts rushed through my brain. I didn't know what to do, I was shaken. I lyed in my bed for another hour until I came back downstairs to eat. I ate my breakfast and my mom told me that we were going to my grandpas funeral, and we're leaving today. So I packed my bags and we headed for Kentucky.
When we arrived at the funeral, the coffin was open and my family and I walked up to his coffin. And there he was, just lying there so peaceful. My brother and I started to cry and my parents comforted us. "He's in a better place." My mom said. I knew that she was right, but i just still couldn't believe he was gone. At the end of the funeral, everybody that was there came to the cemetery where he was being buried. He was lowered into the ground and he was gone. It all happened so fast. The lesson about this is to not throw your life away by smoking and not taking care of