Causative agent: Exserohilum rostratum Although there were a few different fungal species identified during the outbreak, Exserohilum rostratum was the pre-dominant disease causing pathogen. This came as a shock to many medical and scientific personnel because Exserohilum rostratum is a species with very low pathogenicity, which means it was never really a problem to humans and even
References: Cited Andes D and Casadevali A. 2013. Insights into fungal pathogenesis from the iatrogenic epidemic of Exserohilum rostratum fungal meningitis. Journal of fungal genetics and Biology. Vol 61: 143-145 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). CDC Update on the Multistate Outbreak of Fungal Meningitis and Other Infections: One Year Later. Retrieved from Frazer J. (2012 November 12th). Fungal Meningitis Pathogen Discovers New Appetite for Human Brains. Scientific American. Retrieved from Ginsberg L. 2004. Difficult and Recurrent Meningitis. Journal of Neural Neurosurgical Psychiatry. Vol 75: 16-21. Kauffman C A, Pappas P G and Patterson T F. 2013. Fungal Infections Associated with Contaminated Methylprednisolone Injections. The New England Journal of Medicine. Vol 368: 2495-2500.