In the organizer below, describe the current context (according to the novel) and the new context (according to the year to which your character is going to travel). Provide details to show that you understand how changing the time, possibly the place, and the context may change the character’s response to the obstacle he or she faces and the tools or resources that he or she has to deal with the obstacle.
The character who is time traveling today is
Mike Dobson.
Current Context
The current context takes place in 2049 (year) and District 83 (place).
Describe the following based on the current context:
Events: The third space war was just started by the reincarnated Bill Gates.
Culture: Military, Music, Kung Lai Style Training.
Values and Beliefs: Everyone has the right to sign up for the war.
Innovations: More space travel. More advance technology, Completely Human controlled video games simulation.
New Context
The new context takes place in 2028 (year) and District 83 (place).
Describe the following based on the new context:
Events: Plans go to reincarnate Bill Gates.
Culture: Compete freedom, No law, War broken out everywhere.
Values and Beliefs: Live or Die.
Innovations: Most Future left unable to be used. Guns and basic weapons can be used.
How the Context Influences the Character
Describe three ways that this new context will influence the character's response and ability to deal with his or her obstacle.
1. None of Mike's future technology and weapons works now.
2. He has to figure a way into the secret base on his own to stop the plans while only using his own knowledge of sneaking and breaking in.
3. He gets shot on the leg so now he has to find a way to move on with this Dus