In the near future, I would like to see the Asian Pacific American community get more involved with business. This has typically been a mostly Caucasian field, but I believe there should be more Asians striving to get degrees in business administration, finance, and accounting. Many are capable of excelling in these facets of business, and I believe they would make a strong impact. My dad is a testament to this and he has done well for himself as a CPA and partner for an accounting firm. He is my role model and I aspire to accomplish what he has in the business world. In addition, I want to break stereotypes and stigmas about Asian Americans and that many pursue a degree in medicine, engineering, and computer science. This narrow view creates boundaries and walls for many leading to people only believing this point of view. I believe the medium to do this is by becoming a leader. I desire to serve others, to inspire and motivate them to achieve common goals, and to earn their respect. I hope to accomplish this through hard work, determination, and a strong passion for business. My plan, as it stands, is to graduate with an economics/business degree from USC, gain experience through a job, and return to school for a Master’s/MBA. I desire to become a role model for the Asian…