Future Direction of Health Care
HCA 421: Health Care Planning and Evaluation
Instructor: Michele Reed
October 23, 2010
Future Direction of Health Care
The future direction of health care has begun to make dramatic changes in the last year. With the new Healthcare Reform Bill in effect, many of those Americans that do not currently have health care coverage are going to be able to have it now. There has been a lot of controversy over whether or not this bill is a good idea and if it will help or hurt the American public. Other advancements in medical records have also impacted how patient information is stored.
The Affordable Care Act has gone into effect slowly over the last year and will begin to have a positive effect on both business owners and their employees. According to The White House Blog, the new Affordable Care Act will, “provide tremendous benefits for employers, including tax credits for small business and savings for employers” (Cutter, 2010). Looking towards the future of health care as an administrator, the Affordable Care Act will be beneficial to many companies. It will provide coverage to all employees and possibly save the company money in the long run.
Part of the reason the Affordable Care Act has been put into action is to help those who insurance companies have turned down or those that could not afford insurance. Before reform, cancer patients and individuals suffering from other serious and chronic diseases were often forced to limit or go without treatment because of an insurer’s lifetime limit on their coverage. (“The affordable health,” 2010) Insurance companies have been out to make money for a long time now and they are not able to make money if they accept sick patients. Not only is this morally and ethically wrong, but now it is going to be against the law too. Everyone deserves to have the same health care across the board, not just those that can afford it. There should not be a price put on the amount
References: Moseley, George. (2009). Managing health care business strategy. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Cutter, S. (2010, October 21). Employers, insurance and health care. Retrieved from http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/10/21/employers-insurance-and-health-care The affordable health care act: how it works. (2010). Retrieved from http://www.whitehouse.gov/healthreform/healthcare-overview#healthcare-menu Ellis-Christensen, T. (2010, September 08). What are the advantages of electronic medical records?. Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-advantages-of-electronic-medical-records.htm Montgomery, K. (2007, July 12). What is pay-for-performance?. Retrieved from http://healthinsurance.about.com/od/faqs/f/p4p.htm Continuing education. (2009). Retrieved from http://www.ast.org/professionals/continuing_ed.aspx