Development of nitrogen based bombs during World War I led to development of nitrogen based chemical fertilizers.
DDT was the hero of it’s generation.
In 1970’s, Monsanto introduced Roundup. (herbicide)
Monsanto spent $8 billion buying out seed companies.
The first time Americans became aware that GMO’s were part of their everyday dietwas 2001.
80 – 90% of Americans want GMO labeled.
GMO labeling is the key way we can trace health effects and get corporations liable for these effects.
Farmers make no difference from seed and grain.
Should life be patented?
60% of our food is genetically processed.
GMO wheat is a big concern.
Relations between Thailand and the United States have become strained following the identification of genetically modified wheat in a shipment that originated in Portland.
When caterpillars of the Monarch butterfly were fed BT corn pollen in the lab, 40% of them died unexpectedly.
There are thousands of test sites for new GMO’s in the United States.
Sustainable agriculture is reusing the resources in the ground.
Jesse Restaino
The Future of Food
The “Future of Food” film was an eye opening documentary. It’s main arguments consisted of the problems with genetically modified food and large companies like Monsanto taking over. Monsanto spent $8 billion buying out seed companies. United States agriculture is now falling apart. Farmers can barely afford their work while GMO food is taking over. About 60% of our food is genetically modified without being labeled. This is a big issue because 80% to 90% of Americans want GMO’s labeled. I’m getting sick of eating fake food that clearly causes health effects. If these foods were labeled, that would help trace health effects and get corporations liable for these effects. Monsan5o is gaining too much power and using lawsuits as blackmail to keep GMO’s in the economy. Change needs to come from the federal government to truly have